STEM Talent Recruitment and Retention Study

New Mexico STEM Talent Recruitment and Retention Study
June 2020

By STEM Boomerang
For New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions

STEM Boomerang, LLC was tasked by New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions, in 2019, to conduct interviews and a survey to determine what three key groups involved in STEM Education, the Innovation Economy, and the Workforce thought about jobs, hiring, and the availability of a trained workforce. Additionally, based on our experience with in-person and online career fairs, we did a preliminary test of outreach strategies for STEM talent in and outside the state. 

The study and recruitment evaluation were done to identify barriers to recruitment and retention of New Mexico STEM graduates. The goal, ultimately, is to develop effective strategies to connect highly-educated STEM professionals who are interested in careers in New Mexico with careers in the state.

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